Sunday, June 15, 2014

June 15th run

Today's Run

We had a turnout of some 15 people this morning, including three new faces.  Two of the new runners are locals and the third was a young lady from Miami visiting her father.  The two locals are Sam and Bruce, and I believe they plan to return.


We welcomed Eamonn back after a four week absence.  Between his new construction job and pursuing an MBA at Rollins, Eamonn has a pretty tight schedule!


Rose took a spill on Bonita this morning, but miraculously got up with nary a scratch!  Remarkably, she was able to carry on and finish her run. Bonita's bricks have taken a lot of us down over the years!


It was good to be back with the group after missing last Sunday's run.  Wife Mary and I spent a week vacationing in Maryland and Rhode Island.  I had the dubious distinction of losing my I-phone in Newport.  Thanks to a Good Samaritan, my phone will be returned to me this week via Middleton RI.  Suggestion:  Never put your phone on the roof of your car!  Mine made it six miles before it fell off and was retrieved by someone who spotted it on the ground and managed to track me down.


Congratulations to Christine

Christine has accepted a new position with Disney after resigning from Red Lobster (which was recently sold by Darden).  We wish you well in your new and exciting job, Christine!!


Happy Father's Day to all of our running Fathers!  Have a great week.



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