Sunday, May 25, 2014

May 25th Run

Today's Run

After several weeks of idyllic weather with low turnout, we had a hot morning (starting at 76 degrees) and we had a great turnout of about 20 runners!  (And Summer doesn't start until three weeks hence.)


Cheryl and Pumpkin were with us for the first time in a while, as was Russ.  We also saw Danny along the way.


Oviedo 5K yesterday

Kirsty finished 4th in her ago group.  Good job, Kirsty!  I was a no-show since my lower back rebelled after too much yard work this week.  They did something unusual this year with race shirts.  Veterans were given a different color shirt (navy blue) while the rest received lime green shirts. 


I had hoped to see Jorge at the race.  He trained some 73 of his parishioners for the race and had plans to make awards to the most improved male and female runners.  Sorry I missed you, Jorge!  With these phenomenal results, we ought to put you in charge of our Sunday run!  Maybe you can work on our Sunday group now?


Happy Memorial Day Weekend to all!  Enjoy your week.



1 comment:

Dylan said...

I would be remiss if I did not convey the word of the morning, submitted by Russ: HUMID!