Sunday, March 9, 2014

March 9 Run

Today's Run

What a difference an hour makes!  We barely broke double digits with today's turnout (or lack thereof).  Those who failed to show gained some sleep but missed out on a picture-perfect morning to run.


Reports on last weekend's races:

Best Damn Race

I failed to report that Ralph turned in a 1:39 half marathon PR and finished third in his age group. Congrats to Ralph!


Swamphouse Half Marathon

Eamonn ran a 2:17 PR Half Marathon on Sunday.  Arwa also ran but I don't have their times. Congratulations to both of you!


Excalibur 10 Miler in Viera

This race, run by Abby, Geralynn and her daughter Jacklynn had a few warts. Sounds like it was long on show biz razzmatazz and short on some of the basics.


Abby did a relay with a friend and reports that there was inadequate water at the finish and a half hour wait for a bus back to the finish line.  Geralynn ran a 1:38 and seemed to feel that the beer at the end served as an adequate substitute for water.


Thought for the week

"You don't need to apologize for the gifts you've been given.  Only apologize for not using them."   (Sister Madonna Buder, the 83 year old Ironman competitor who spoke here a year or so ago. She is an inspirational person!


Have a great week (and check your clocks).  Hope to see some of you at the WP 10K next Saturday!



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