Sunday, May 4, 2014

May 4th Run

Today's Run

On the heels of some dreary, rainy days, we were blessed with a 61 degree sunny morning and a turnout of some 15 or so runners.  I had thought we were done with ideal conditions for a while but we got lucky.


The ORC dog running program turned out well as the handlers kept the two groups separate. About a dozen runners gathered at Paneras for breakfast afterwards.  We wished Bob and wife Bev bon voyage as they are heading back to Vermont next weekend. 


Luis joined us for his first run as the new Grandfather of a baby girl.  That's a PR for him!  Congratulations to Luis and wife Vera!!


Update on last weekend's Races

This past week-end featured some very hilly races.  Kirsty's account of Big Sur follows:


"My goal was to finish & enjoy which I accomplished in 5:37.  Wasn't sure how I could handle the course but seemed to have plenty left to finish strong.  Even ran 4 miles with Jeff Galloway."


In the meantime a local contingent led by Marathonfest's Susan Paul was tackling a trail race in the Smokies at elevations above 5000 feet.  Carolyn was one of that group and you can read her post of Facebook.


Congratulations to Kirsty and Carolyn!


Have a wonderful week!



1 comment:

Dylan said...

Somebody let Christine know what color to wear next week.